Meeting Minutes and Historical Documents

Meeting Minutes and
Historical Documents

Association Archives

At its October 2022 quarterly meeting, AFPAA’s Board of Directors directed the establishment of an online repository of important association documents, including the minutes of board meetings. The board’s goals were to provide and maintain a transparent historical record of association activities that would be easily accessible to all members, and could serve as a resource and guide for future leaders of the association.

Listed below are links to board meeting minutes and documents of historical interest currently available online.

Additionally, AFPAA’s Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws are posted on this site and are located on the By-Laws page. The Leadership page contains the meeting schedule of the Board of Directors and information about the association’s current slate of officers, board members, and committee members, and past board chairs and presidents. Previous editions of News and Notes, AFPAA's newsletter, can be found on the Newsletter Archives page.

Have a relevant document you feel would be of interest to fellow members and should be included in the archives? Please submit your recommendation to the board here and attach the document you are proposing.